Friday, January 20, 2017


 Trying to get back to blogging...

We are learning about Hibernation

 We decorated the Daycare room for the season. Not easy to learn about Winter when everyother day in Texas it is in the 70's here. How do you teach it when everyone is wearing shorts? 

My oldest helped with the decorations, it helps to have a taller than you son. He thought we needed some streamers hanging from the air vent. Surprisingly this has been up for 2 weeks and they have not fallen. The kids love it when the air comes on.

We set up an old play tent and covered it with batting, this was our hibernation cave.

We stuck animals inside and they pretended to be hibernating. They loved "hibernating".

I ordered some water beads for the 1st time, they loved playing with them but boy do they bounce around. I am still finding them here and there. lol

 Since you are not going to find too many opportunities to play in the snow in Texas we decided to make our own. They loved the whole process. I did the grating but I let the kids do all the tearing and mixing. I think they enjoyed making it the most!

Needless to say the "snow" was a hit!
  We read Bear Snores On to go along with our theme. Love this book!!

 We painted a hibernating bear with a q-tip and some brown paint.
 they painted them so well that you can hardly make out that it is a bear lol
 We used small paper plates cut in half and cut the middle out to make our cave for the bear. Then we used white paint and our fingers to make snow flakes. Any time we can get our hands in the paint is a win with my crew!
 Loved the way they turned out!!
 We learned a song to go along with our theme. They love singing it! It is catchy and I catch myself singing it even after the kids have left for the day!lol

Monday, September 16, 2013

T is for Turtle!

This week is Letter T for turtle!

We did lots of Letter T group activities

Then we learned the Tiny Tim song 

And made a turtle to go along with it!!

Apple Theme

A is for Apple week!

WE learned an apple song 

and made a paper over it so they can remember the song 

and sing it for mom and dad!!

We made apple trees!

The Apple's are their finger prints! 

More apple finger prints

this time it was counting!!

We read the book If You Take A Mouse To School

And water colored a page to go along with it!!

May 2013

The Letter Uu week!!

We went back and used blue glue so you could see it!

Hung them up so they would drip like rain!

Then we colored with marker and put them out in the rain

Let them dry 

and turned them into umbrellas

We also painted with condensed milk and food coloring

 We celebrated Earth Day!!

First we did an Earth pic using our hand print as land!

Then we put paint on an Earth pic 

and squished it with a Walmart bag!